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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Customizing your sidebar links in Blogger

When you start a new Blogger blog, one of the first things you'll want to do is to customize your links in the sidebar. Log into Blogger, go into the Template section, and scroll until you see this:

That's the code you'll need to change. Now you can copy and paste your own web sites over top of their Google News, Edit-Me, and Edit-Me bullets.

When you're done, you should have something like this instead (changes in red):

You can click "Preview" at the bottom of the little code box to see if everything looks alright. Then click "Save" then "Publish".

Here's a link to a really basic html code explanation if you want to know more.

1 comment:

RoLo said...

THANKS, your tips are helping me build my blogger page:)